W Seshagiri Rao SNEA Bhavan
         B-11/1&2, Double Storey, Opp to Sanatan Dharam Mandir, Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi-110015
For Booking a Suit :- Plz check the availability on the dates required and contact your concern Circle Secretary to share the details ( Name, Desgn, SSA, Circle, Mobile No,Date required, No of suits required, No of persons, No of days ) on whatsapp @9449854737 to Shri Tata Babu, CHQ Treasurer or Mail to sneachqtreasurer@gmail.com
(1) We have 3 Luxury Suits named Narmada, Kavari and Brahmaputra. (5) Advance payment needs to be made to below SBI account for booking.
(2) Rent per Suit is Rs700 for members and Rs1000 for Non-members. (6) Note: In case of Cancellation no refund will be given.
(3) 2Adults + 2 Children are allowed per Suit. (7) Account details:
Sanchar Nigam Executive’s Assn.-CHQ
SBI A/c number: 36684096219
(4) Check IN and Check OUT time is 10:00 AM (8) Payment receipt need to be sent to whataspp @9449854737 to Shri Tata Babu, CHQ Treasurer for booking confirmation

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