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Current Events       Last Updated on 22.10.2024 - 12:37 PM


Great and Grand First All India Conference of SNPWA CHQ: The first All India Conference of SNPWA CHQ was held at ARES Hall, IMA House, Stadium Link Road, Palarivattom, Ernakulum,  Kerala on 23 & 24/09/2024. This meeting was attended by more than 400 Retired executives and Non Executives of BSNL.

The open session of this all India Conference was held at 1800 Hrs on 23/10/2024 which was presided over by Shri. K.D. Sebastin, President SNPWA CHQ and following dignitaries attended and addressed the Open sessions.

1.    Shri. Hibi Eden, Hon. MP Ernakulam,

2.    Shri. M.A. Khan, Honorary  President SNPWA CHQ

3.    Shri. Sunil Kumar, CGMT Kerala Circle.

4.    Shri. G. L. Jogi, GS SNPWA CHQ

5.   Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA CHQ &President NCOA

6.    Shri. V. K. Tomar, GS MEA Delhi & CGC NCOA.

7.    Shri. R.K. Mudgil, GS MREWA CHQ

8.    Shri. V A. N. Nambundri, Advisor AIBDPA CHQ,

9.    Shri. D.D. Mistry GS BDPA CHQ.

10. Shri. K. Sebastin, Former GS SNEA.

The Open session started with Lightening lamp by hands of dignitaries and guests.

As token of love and appreciation  Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA was specially felicitated on his election as President NCOA CHQ by the hands of Shri. Hibi Eden, Hon. MP Ernakulam Kerala by offering a bouquet and statute of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. 

Then Key Note address was presented by Shri. G.L. Jogi, GS SNPWA CHQ wherein he updated house about different activities with Telecom sector and BSNL.

All the dignitaries addressed house on different HR issues of Retired/Serving Executives/Non-Executives and the entire programme was live telecast.  LINK <<<>>

The entire proceedings of the Open Session started at 1800 Hrs concluded at 2030 hrs with Vote of thanks by Shri. D.C. Sharma DyGS SNPWA CHQ, National Anthem and dinner thereafter. Photos <<<>>

The Conference continued with full enthusiasm for next day also and in a unanimous elections held before concluding AIC, Shri. K.D. Sebastin, Shri. G.L. Jogi and Shri. S.S. Rajput are re-elected as President, General Secretary and Treasurer of SNPWA CHQ. The entire newly Elected Body of SNPWA CHQ Copy <<<>>


AGM Pers BSNL CO issued orders for Posting of two SDEs promoted as AGMs in recent AGM Telecom Promotions by retention in parent Circle. Copy<<<>>

Both the SDEs were Promoted and posted to other Circles where they were transferred under long stay transfers as SDE and have represented for Retention/ Cancellation of Transfer orders. Now their request is given consideration and they are retained as AGM in their working Circles.

SNEA conveys thanks to Director HR BSNL and PGM Pers for kind and sympathetic consideration of these requests and giving them justice by retention as AGM  as per their request. 


AGM Pers BSNL CO issued Orders for Cancellation of AGMs who were under Inter circle transfers and have represented for the same on genuine grounds. Copy<<<>>

Some more requests from SDEs/AGMs under long stay Transfers of Year 2023 and 2024 and OTP Requests along with requests of executives transferred under long stay during first long stay in 2022 for return to parent Circles are under consideration and we are pursuing for consideration of all such requests before Diwali. Let us hope for the best. 


Jt GM CA BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding latest status of EPF higher pension cases as per Supreme Court Judgment dated 04/11/2022. Copy<<<>>

The information in the format need to send to BSNL CO positively by 24/10/2024 so as to ensure that all eligible BSNL employees covered under EPF may exercise the higher pension option within the prescribed time limit.  


Jt. GM DPC BSNL CO issued Show cause notice in compliance of Hon. Supreme Court judgment & other connected Transfer cases/Petition case of 147 LDCE executives.  Copy<<<>> 

This issue was raised by SNEA as per the request from affected executives for action as per directions of Supreme Court and for equal treatment to all affected executives. Copy<<<>>

Now this old dispute is re-opened as first step of response to directions by Hon Supreme Court and we are hopeful for its resolution for equal treatment and justice to affected executives.

In similar manner issue of SDE Reversal, Educational Qualification Dispute in Civil and Electrical wing etc are being pursued by SNEA and we are hopeful for resolutions of all such disputes shortly. 


DGM CDN BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding Improvement in Grievance Redressal Mechanism. Copy<<<>>

It is to strive to improve BSNL’s score on Feedback and Organizational Commitment parameters of GRAI report of DARPG so that the objective of improvement of BSNL’s performance vis-à-vis other departments can be achieved.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan - Campaign 4.0 is being held during Oct-2024 wherein all pending Grievances and Appeal as on 30/09/2024 are to be redressed. 


AGM SEA BSNL CO issued orders for direct and force relieving of AOs through ERP under Inter Circle Transfers but not relieved by their Present Circles/ Controlling officers and now all these AOs stands force relieved through ERP/SAP w.e.f. 18/10/2024 A/N. Copy<<<>>


SPECIAL CEC Meeting of SNEA KERLA Circle: By sensing opportunity of availability of GS SNEA for AIC of SNPWA at Ernakulum, One Day Special CEC Meeting of SNEA Kerla Circle was held on at ARES Hall, IMA House, Stadium Link Road, Palarivattom, Ernakulum, on 23/09/2024 and it was attended by all DSs, CEC Members and CWC Members and COBs of Kerla Circle.

The entire proceedings of meeting were presided over by the Shri K.P. Jithesh, Circle President SNEA Kerala Circle. The proceedings started with Flag hosting and slogans of Unity.

This CEC meeting was attended and addressed by

1.    Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA CHQ

2.    Shri, Rajesh P V Manchan, VP SNEA CHQ

3.    Shri. Vimal Raghunath, AGS SNEA CHQ,

4.    Shri. K. Sebastin, Former GS SNEA CHQ

5.    Shri. S. S. Aslesh CS SNEA KRL Circle.

Com. Nidhin Mohan, DS SNEA Ernakulum extended a warm welcome to all attendees through his welcome address.

Shri K. P. Jithesh, CP SNEA Kerla Circle in his opening remark summarized burning issues and mainly issue of writing Daily Diary and its linking to Attendance and stressed for strong protest by SNEA.

Shri. S. S. Aslesh, Circle Secretary, SNEA Kerla Circle presented the CS report elaborating activities done since last Circle Conference in June 2024 by SNEA KRL Circle and shared feelings of the Members on activities of SNEA and stressed for agitational action by SNEA to protest for resolution of HR issues.

The CEC Meeting was inaugurated with address of GS SNEA and he covered important HR issues and its correct status. 

The CEC Meeting was formally inaugurated with an address by the General Secretary SNEA Com. M. S. Adasul and he covered crucial HR issues and its current status.

During the session, executives affected by the pay loss issue presented a substantial memorandum to the GS SNEA CHQ in the presence of Kerala SNEA leaders, urging for an amicable resolution before the implementation of the 3rd PRC.

Thereafter session continued with address by Shri, Rajesh P V Manchan, VP SNEA CHQ, Shri. Vimal Raghunath, AGS SNEA CHQ, Shri. K. Sebastin Former GS SNEA and with report by DS, COBs, CEC and CWC members and in overall discussions house raised serious concern on pending HR issues and mainly registered protest on the People Analytical App and demanded for immediate agitational call by SNEA for resolution of different HR issues and withdrawal of People analytical App.

In an interactive session Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA satisfactorily replied all queries and doubts and stand of SNEA CHQ on  different issues and how SNEA is moving ahead firmly and silently for resolution of different HR issues by keen pursuation with different officers in BSNL and DoT with  non-agitational approach.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Com. Binush B. Peter, CT SNEA Kerala.

The proceedings of this highly interactive CEC Meeting started at 1000 Hrs concluded by 1900 Hrs with full day deliberations.  Photos <<<>>


SNEA Meeting with Shri. Vishal Patil, Hon. MP Lok Sabha: Delegation of SNEA & SEWA consisting Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA CHQ, Shri. N.D. Ram, GS SEWA, Shri. K.K.S. Yadav, CS SNEA ALTTC, Shri. P. N. Patil, VP SNEA BSNL CO and Shri. Tarseem Kumar, EM SNEA J&K Circle had meeting with Shri. Vishal Patil, Hon. MP Lok Sabha and discussed different issues related to BSNL and its executives.

We congratulated him on his spectacular victory during this Lok Sabha Elections and conveyed best wishes for new assignment. We requested for supporting for overall growth and development of BSNL. We specially requested for extending support for resolution of important demand of Pay revision of BSNL Executives. 

We have detailed discussions on different issues related to BSNL services, support extended to BSNL by GoI and need of further support for resolution of pending HR issues of the executives and mainly for implementation of over delayed Third Pay Revision of BSNL executives.

Shri. Vishal Patil, Hon. MP was kind enough to have patience hearing to us and assured us to extend all possible support required by BSNL and its executives. 


AGM Pers BSNL CO issued orders for orders for Retention, Change of Circle and Cancellation of transfers AGMs as per the request submitted by the individual  Copy<<<>>

Majority of requests of AGMs is given consideration and the requests submitted for grant of Immunity by eligible OBs are also consideration and orders will be issued shortly.

This is great relief to many of the AGMs who were under long stay and waiting for consideration of their requests for last four months.

Till some requests are pending for consideration as their representations are not received from Circles or if received they are incomplete and not supported by required documents and SNEA will be pursuing all such left out genuine requests.

SNEA CHQ conveys thanks to Director HR BSNL Board, PGM Pers BSNL CO and team of officers in Pers Section i.e. DGM Pers, AGM Pers and DM Pers for kind and sympathetic consideration of these genuine requests and giving them relief and justice.  


Ad GM BW BSNL CO issued Requests Transfers of EEs on completion of tenure and by giving consideration to OTP Requests.  Order I <<<>>   Order II <<<>>

SNEA CHQ conveys thanks to Director HR BSNL Board, CGM BW BSNL CO and team of officers in BW Unit for kind and sympathetic consideration of these genuine requests. 


AGM Pers BSNL CO issued Transfer orders of SDEs from and to All India Hard tenure Stations wherein the requests of all SDEs who are completing their Hard Tenure by Oct 2024 are given consideration and substitutes are posted from the SDEs who have submitted willingness for posting to All India Hard tenure station.  Copy<<<>>

SNEA CHQ conveys thanks to Director HR BSNL Board, PGM Pers BSNL CO and team of officers in Pers Section for timely consideration of these requests and giving timely relief to tenure completed SDEs.   


AGM Pers DPC BSNL CO writes to all Circles for updating of ESS data of employees recruited under PwBD Category and data is to be updated 21/10/2024.  Copy<<<>>


Grand and highly successful CEC Meeting of SNEA MH Circle:  Two days CEC meeting of SNEA MH Circle was held on at Hotel Satara, on 02 & 03/08/2024 and it was attended by all DSs, CEC Members and CWC Members and COBs of MH Circle.

The entire proceedings of meeting were presided over by the Shri Shailendra Solanke, Circle President SNEA MH Circle. The proceedings started with Flag hosting and slogans of Unity. Link<<<>>

Shri Vijay Kamble, DS SNEA Satara in his welcome address gave warm welcome to all the dignitaries and the office bearers throughout Maharashtra Circle.

Shri Shailendra Solanke, CP SNEA MH Circle in his opening remark stated that this is the forum to discuss all the important issues of HR and Development. He requested all the Office Bearers to take active participation in the process and wish best of luck for successful CEC. He thereafter put forth the Agenda of CEC for passing before the house. The house unanimously passed the agenda.

Shri Samir Khare, Circle Secretary, SNEA MH presented the CS report elaborating activities done by SNEA MH Circle and updated house about different HR and development issues . His report was discussed and unanimously adopted by the house.

Shri H. N. Tipre, Circle Treasurer SNEA MH presented the report of SNEA MH for intervening period.

Thereafter session continued with report by DS, COBs, CEC and CWC members and concluded at 0030 Hrs

Open Session:  On second day, the Open Session started at 1100 Hrs which was attended addressed by the following dignitaries in online mode and have conveyed their message and greetings. 

1.    Shri Harinder Kumar, CGM, MH Circle,

2.    Shri Prashant Patil, CGM, CNTX-W Circle,

3.    Shri Adhir Kumar Singhal, PGM Pers, BSNL CO Delhi.

 In the House following dignitaries were present in the house.

4.    Shri. K. V. Rao, GM BA Head Satara,

5.    Shri Manish Samadhiya, President, SNEA CHQ.

6.    Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA CHQ

7.    Shri. Samla Shriniwas, AGS SNEA CHQ,

8. Shri Gautam Gharde, Chief Advisor SEWA MH Circle,

9.    Shri Linesh Walvi, CS SEWA MH Circle,

10.  Shri Ganesh Hinge, CS BSNLEU MH Circle,

11.  Shri Dnyandeo Gaikar, CS SNPWA MH Circle,

The proceedings of the meeting started with the lightening lamp and online inauguration by dignitaries.

The team of SNEA MH gave warm welcome to all dignitaries and guests with Pheta, Bouquets and presented beautiful momentous of Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to all.

The speakers have updated house about different HR issues related to  the house.

The entire proceedings of Open Session were anchored by Shri S. A. Mali and Smt Ashwini Patil from Host Branch Satara.

Then Open session started at 1100 Hrs concluded at 1530 Hrs with Vote of thanks by Shri. S.A. Mali OS SNEA Satara and National Anthem followed by delicious Lunch.

Then the House summarized discussions held during two days and passed Resolutions and conveyed directions for further persuasion by SNEA MH Circle.

On co-option of Circle Secretary, SNEA MH Circle owing to the transfer order of Shri. Samir Khare, present Circle Secretary, SNEA, MH Circle and his resignation thereof was discussed in house. However the whole house unanimously decided for the continuation of the current Circle Secretary till the period of the Circle Body.

In concluding address to CEC meeting Shri Shailendra Solanke, SNEA MH summarized proceedings of the meeting and conveyed special thanks and appreciation of Host Branch SNEA Satara for great and grand arrangements and proceedings of the CEC concluded which at 1900 hrs with slogans of unity.

PHOTOs <<<>>


Heartiest Congratulations!!! Finally DGM Pers DPC BSNL CO issued the long awaited SDE to EE Civil Promotion order wherein total 17 SDEs in Civil wing are promoted as EE Civil. Copy<<<>>

SNEA congratulates all the Promoted Officers and conveys all of them best wishes for grand success in this new promotional assignment.  

SNEA conveys thanks to CMD BSNL, Director HR BSNL, CGM EW BSNL CO, PGM Pers, GM BW, CLO and team of Pers DPC, Vigilance and BW units of BSNL CO for giving consideration to our requests and issuing the promoting this Promotion of certain eligible SDEs.

Unfortunately, even though we have pursued for the promotion of other eligible SDEs mainly Shri. Ram Jee, SDE Civil and some other SDEs in Civil wing who have been instrumental in clearing the long pending hurdle of Court cases and giving way for EE Civil promotions against vacancies of Year 2022 as well as this promotions against vacancies 2023, the names of these deserving SDEs are not covered in this Promotion order.  

This is order against Vacancy Year 2023 and one more DPC for vacancies of 2024 is due and SNEA is pursuing for this DPC also wherein remaining eligible SDEs including Shri. Ram Jee, SDE Civil  will be surely covered and we will continue our persuasion for EE Civil Promotions against Vacancies of Year 2024 which is now due.

SNEA is also pursuing for clearance of the dispute of educational qualification created through MSRR 2023 and we are hopeful for its resolution in the coming days.

This promotion has given way for further promotions of JTO to SDE for which SNEA is vigorously pursuing at all levels and we are hopeful for consideration of our request for filling all vacancies of SDE Civil/Electrical till today very shortly. Let us hope for the best. 



One firm Step towards strengthening of BSNL Internet Services in North East/East Circles: Since last few months due to heavy road widening works in AP Circle affecting Kolkata Chennai link and other issues the BSNL Internet Services in North East Circles including Eastern Circles were disturbed.

On basis of feedback from CS SNEA WB, KTD, AS and NE-I this issue was raised by SNEA with detailed feedback with CMD BSNL. Copy<<<>>

On, 25th BSNL Foundation Day, GS SNEA and GS SEWA have raised this issue with CMD BSNL by personal meeting and requested for looking into this issue affecting services of all North East Circles, East Circles and AP Circles.

In immediate response CMD BSNL has arranged online meeting with CGMs of CNTx South, CNTx East, and CNTx NER and issued firm directions for strengthening Backbone. The issues were discussed in depth and directions have been given for restoration of faults without any delay and to upgrade BSNL network.

One of the pending demand for immediate restoration of the Network was hiring of Fibre till the issues related to BSNL network are addressed and BSNL is upgrading its network for increased traffic. Now this demand by CNTX unit has been give consideration within period of 4-5 days and this will help strengthening the Internet Connectivity of all these Circles. Copy<<<>> 

This will definitely improve the internet services and will reduce the hardship faced by the BSNL customers and well as by BSNL executives. 

SNEA conveys thanks to Shri. A. Robert J. Ravi, CMD BSNL and his team for immediate response and required action on this critical issue and we are hopeful for similar action on other such issues as per his firm assurance to us.

SNEA also conveys thanks to Circle Secretaries of SNEA WB Circle, Kolkata TD, Assam Circle, NE-I Circle and AP Circle for timely and required feedback for persuasion of this issue.


DGM Training BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads regarding Mandatory Eight (08) hours Training courses on iGoT portal in Q-3 (2024-25), under Mission Karmayogi. Copy<<<>>


AGM NWP-BB BSNL CO issued clarification in Policy for Provision of FTTH Service connection through Partner OLT. Copy<<<>>  


DGM Rstg BSNL CO writes to Circle Heads of ALTTC, BBNW, QA& Inspection and ITPC Circles regarding IPMS-Q3-2024-25- Targets) of financial year 2024-25.Copy<<<>>  The window to enter Q3(Oct 24- Dec 24), KPls/targets will remain live in Ess up to 25.10.2024 and will not be extended any further. Further, the window for entering achievements of Q2 (July 24 -Sept 24) cycle shall open on 01.10.2024.